In Loving Memory of our darling
Ivy Grace
the dearly beloved and only child of Charles & Daphne Brown
Born, Gold Mohur Castle, Bombay, 14th December 1886
Died at Limpley Lodge, Llandudno 7th April 1907
Who plucked this flower ? The Master !
And the Gardener held his peace
Weep not for death ! the fount of tears is sealed;
Who knows how bright the inward light
To those closed eyes revealed ~
Who knows what Holy love may fill
The heart that seems so cold and still
Also in Loving Memory
of her Father
Charles Campbell Brown
who died at Weymouth
19th Jan. 1916 in his 59th year
God's Finger touched him and he slept.
I am always drawn to angel statues. Don't always get such lovely photos though. Good job!