
Wednesday 25 August 2010

Make Over, Take Over

I was telling a friend ~ who restores mediaeval stained glass church windows ~ about the recent renovations and embellishments of some of the memorials that I'd photographed in Cambridge. She wittily said that it sounded like 'Pimp My Grave' after a TV show called 'Pimp my Ride', where ordinary cars are outlandishly customised and given additional garish features. It amused me because this is what seems to have happened here.

A complete Make Over and Take Over, with the most recent interment, receiving the top position, with the original plot's owner listed in second place. 
Around 1999, when I first saw these Angels, they were all on similar and standard marble plinths that complimented them.

So call me traditionalist if you like, but I was disappointed to see this large black marble plinth replacing the previous standard version, which I can appreciate has allowed an additional family member to be included.
I know it's all a matter of personal choice, but I think it has taken away it's original melancholy beauty and call me old fashioned, but I liked it the way it was............

In Loving Memory of
Len Thipthorp
'The Big Chief'
called to rest 26th August 2000 aged 76 years
also his beloved sister
Olive Turner
the beloved wife of Frederick John Turner
who passed peacefully to rest 7th February 1947 aged 26 years

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