
Saturday 2 January 2016

We Stop for Cemeteries

My beloved Blog has been neglected for the past year, as I succumbed to the 'Quick Fix' of posting my cemetery photos on Facebook ~ no time consuming research is required in order to uncover any interesting stories .......
I was simply drawn to the instant gratification of posting and prompt mutual appreciation of sharing pictures.
But the simple posting of pictures meant that the fascinating stories behind them became forgotten and that had been a huge part of the passion that lead me to writing this blog in the first place.
So I shall start as I meant to go on and tell you about my most recent Cemetery Adventure.

Just over a week ago we decided to spend Christmas at the Italian Lakes with my folks. 
I knew that we would be visiting Milan and doing the requisite whistle stop 'City Tour'.

I know that Milan has an amazing monumental cemetery and I'd admired countless photos of those lucky enough to have visited it. What an irony to be this close to it and yet so far ~ I had even thought of asking if I could be dropped off and picked up again a few days later, but it was an organised trip with timetables to be adhered to and this was a family holiday after all. 
So I shelved that idea and made a mental note to self to put it on my 'Cemeteries To Do List' 

When we joined our coach trip, the two drivers, Mark and Sam greeted us dressed as Santa Claus and his Elf ~ A very Merry Christmas was definitely assured at this time.

On the day of the Milan City Tour, it was explained that we would see the famous Cathedral ~ 5th largest in the world ~ the Citadel, other points of interest and wait for it...the Cemetery ~ did I hear them right ? ~ yes The Cemetery. 
Whoops of joy came from me as I explained to Mark and Sam how excited I was ~ This was the best Christmas gift of the Year ~ I told them about this blog and bless them, even if they thought I was slightly demented, they took it all in their professional stride......

 The Famedio ~ Hall of Fame ~ Main Entrance of Milan Monumental Cemetery

Of course we were not there for very long, but that has only strengthened my resolve to return, but for a few days next time. Luckily I did get a few photos that will appear on here very soon.

A day or so later on another day trip to St. Moritz, as we passed through a village outside Chiavenna, Sam and Mark announced that we would stop for a break at a waterfall and for those who might be interested, there was a small pretty Cemetery in front of it......... 

And sure enough there was.......

So this post is dedicated to the hard work and safe driving of Mark and Sam, who looked after our every needs and made our Christmas trip to Italy such a memorable one and also for sounding like they would be delighted at being mentioned on this Blog. xx